A fun and fresh way to get fit

Salti is a fun, light-hearted and non-competitive way to get active, with classes being open to all fitness levels and abilities.

And yes, you will get wet!

Why Salti?

If you are looking for some variety in your training or workout regime, Salti might just be the change you need.

A Salti workout:

  • gives you a full-body workout with a focus on core strength.
  • helps you build strength and the stabilizer muscles not often engaged in other workouts.
  • improves your balance, coordination, and core stabilization while engaging often overlooked muscles.
  • creates symmetry in your body by strengthening muscles evenly.
  • activates muscles responsible for your hip and knee joints, improving posture.
  • is an instant mood booster, providing more positive psychological benefits than a traditional workout.
  • trains the brain and improves your ability to stay focused.

The best aspect of a Salti workout is the instability of the Float, which requires 100% focus, making it a challenge for both the body and the mind. Plus, after your workout, you get to cool off in the pool!

Salti Class Types

Salti Sweat - a 30 minute high intensity cardio workout, design to boost your heart rate, build endurance and get you sweating (and you can cool off in the pool when you break a sweat!)

Salti Strength - a 30 minute moderate intensity workout that is going to get you strong! Powered by body weight exercise that will lengthen, strengthen and tone your muscles.

Salti Stretch - a 45 minute low intensity workout inspired by yoga to improve your flexibility, balance and mobility. A session for the body and the mind.

Upcoming Classes

  • Monday’s at 6.00pm commencing 17th of June: Salti Recovery - Aimed at the weekend sports warriors to get that body back up and moving
  • Wednesday’s at 5.30pm commencing 12th June: Salti Stretch with NKM Flows

Bookings are essential as we only have a capacity of 12 per class! To book your spot, contact Oasis Customer Service on 02 6926 9390. Payment will be required upon booking to lock in your spot!

Stay tuned for more classes to be added!


What do i wear?

Wear activewear or modest swimwear, bring a towel and a change of clothes for after the session.

Where are the classes held?

Our Salti classes are held in the round pool.

How much is it?

Salti classes are $20pp, this also includes your entry into the centre, which means that after your class you can enjoy the rest of our facilities if you wish, such as swimming laps or using the heated program pool.

How many people are in each class?

At the moment we have 12 Salti Floats, meaning we can have a maximum of 12 people per class.